【HR Express】Global RBU Spotlight活動花絮_202502

ACN 上海 元宵節&Q1慶生會

2025212日,上海办公室举办了一场以“职场有范 焕新出发”为主题的元宵节&Q1庆生会活动别开生面的元宵节庆祝活动。



AKMC 2024下半年Mini SGA Workout
地点:AKMC  K100会议室

在2025年1月,2024下半年Mini SGA圆满落幕,自24年9月确认议题以来,历时五个月,在这段时间里,每一个小组都付出了辛勤的努力,不断探索、实践,以期达到既定的目标与成效。透过SGA及Mini SGA等专案项目,精简工作流程提高工作效率。也许一点改变就可以为公司带来意想不到的成效。AKMC始终鼓励同仁能积极分享在学习和实践中的经验和成果,以促进团队之间的知识交流与合作。


🌸🎊 Happy Lunar New Year from the ASEAN Family! 🎊🌸 
As we welcome the Year of the Wood Snake, let's take a moment to reflect on our incredible journey we've shared across RBU in ASEAN.  

Over the past year, we have overcome challenges, embraced new opportunities, and strengthen our collaboration across the region. As we step into the new year, let’s continue to grow, innovate, and inspire one another to reach greater heights. 

May this Lunar New Year bring abundance, success, and good health to you and your loved ones. Wishing everyone in our RBU ASEAN family a year filled with joy, harmony, and boundless opportunities! 

Gōngxǐ fā tái! 🧧🐍 

See Video


As the year ends, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our journey—acknowledging the challenges we’ve overcome and celebrating the achievements we’ve earned together. The Year-End Party is not just a celebration but an opportunity to strengthen bonds, foster engagement, and appreciate everyone’s efforts. 

Looking ahead, the Kick-Off Meeting sets the stage for the upcoming year. It’s where we align on next year’s targets, strategies, and shared vision, ensuring that everyone is motivated and equipped to achieve our goals. 

ANA Blood Drive
A huge shoutout to our incredible team members who donated blood with American Red Cross! Thanks to your generosity, 30 employees participated, contributing 26 pints of blood—potentially saving up to 78 lives.

Your commitment to giving back is truly inspiring, and we’re so proud to have such a compassionate team. Thank you for making a real difference! 
Pictures are as attached.

AIN Blood Donation Camp
At Advantech India, we believe in creating impact beyond the workplace. Our Blood Donation Camp on 19 Feb 2025 was a testament to our commitment to saving lives and building a culture of care. Employees stepped forward selflessly, proving that small actions create big change. Each drop donated was a step toward hope, resilience, and a better tomorrow. This initiative truly reflects the heart of Advantech – innovation with compassion. Let’s inspire all to make a difference!
