2023 ESS Survey Analysis

Advantech values the voices from our employees, and dedicated to build up an open, inclusive, safe and healthy working environment for all employees. Actively starting from the core values, we look forward to establishing a good communication channel between the company and employees through the annual employee satisfaction survey, and providing a more complete welfare system.

In 2023, Advantech optimize the Employee Satisfaction Survey, with a total of 35 questions in seven main topics. The main topics are: "Corporate Culture and Business Operations", "Working Environment", "Work Content", "Teamwork", "Management and Supervision", "Communication Effectiveness". and "Assessment, Promotion, Training and Development".

The coverage rate of the 2023 employee satisfaction survey reached 100%. The questionnaire was provided in 4 languages, covering 20 countries/regions. The number of people who should fill in the survey was 8,745, and the number of people who answered was 7,006, with a response rate of 80%. The overall satisfaction statistics result is 83%.

The ACL analysis data is shown in the figure below with the original questionaire (same anouncment with EZ portal), and a detailed analysis report and feedback on the topic of opinions are also attached for reference.
